Parenting a hyperactive child

Parenting a hyperactive child

Hyperactive children are also called as “spirited children”. They are strong willed children who are often labelled as “difficult” or “problem child”. These children tend to be more energetic, persistent and intense. They lead a bolder life than other children. In other words they are determined and enthusiastic.

Medical dictionary describes hyperactivity as a symptom of another underlying cause, such as varying mental diseases and medical.

It is also considered that one of the main disorders associated with hyperactivity is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD.

Having a hyperactive kid can be exhausting but parents are should not give up hope. There is no right or perfect method to handle a hyperactive child.

It is sometimes considered to be a good thing to be hyperactive.  While it may sound incredulous, let’s look at some of the reasons in defence of my statement.

  1. A child who is bubbling with energy would be curious about the world and will excel in different fields. For example, sports, creative arts or even in theoretical physics and science! 
  2. Hyperactive children are tuned into other people’s emotions. They offer compassion to such broken ones.
  3. Hyperactive children generally develop strong planning and executing skills which can be a great asset as they grow up
  4. Hyperactive children turn out to be leaders and passionate go-getters thus inspiring others with their enthusiasm.

Coping with a hyperactive child requires a unique set of skills. Before we speak ill or boast about our child’s hyperactive nature, we need to understand them better. Being insensitive and passing unreasonable comments makes it very difficult to handle children with hyperactivity.

Some of the symptoms that help us spot hyperactivity in children include:

  1. Hyperactive children find it tough to listen or follow instructions.
  2. They cannot sit at one place. They tend to move around a lot.
  3. Hyperactive children speak a lot or interrupt other people’s conversations.
  4. They are overenthusiastic and bounce with high levels of energy.
  5. They get worried, frustrated and angry quickly

Being hyperactive is brain related and the ideal way to handle such kids is to make them relax and do things one at a time. This may help your child to pay more attention, focus better and exhibit less hyperactivity.

Some of the simple ways that will help us handle hyperactive kids are:

  1. Engage their mind and body with activities. 
  2. Keep your house running in an organized way so that the child knows what is expected of him or her. For example, have designated areas for keeping toys back and ensure that your child sticks to the plan. Another idea is to have set timings for study and play. 
  3. Allow your children to play in the open fields to burn their energy out. Enroll your children in performing high level activities such as football, cricket, karate and swimming etc. 
  4. Do not pressurize them. Pull back a bit but don’t let them off limits.
  5. Do not give into other parents well intentioned comments as they do not understand your child’s problem.
  6. Speak to your child in a simple manner offering them your full attention. Hear to their concerns and interests.
  7. Get your children to write down a list of things to do and break down the instructions.
  8. Help your children deal with their feelings. Help them differentiate between good and bad.
  9. Provide them with an environment of relaxation. Teach them to breathe deeply to calm down. A good relaxation therapy would be to learn music. Music has the power to exercise both sides of the brain at the same time. Children tend to store information better and multi-task when their brain relaxes. Joining a band to sing or play music would teach them to be a team player.
  10. Use behavior therapy strategy such as rewarding them for good manners or listening to you carefully or sticking to a routine. Let them know as to what is expected of them.
  11. Engaging them to be creative like participating in theatre or drama can help them take up personal challenges and will improve their public speaking skills as these kinds of activities require practice, co-ordination, sharp memory, stage confidence and people skills.
  12. Games like scrabble, chess etc. are great brain engaging activities as they make children sit still in one place and concentrate. These games are very ideal for children with less attention span and it will help them build their confidence and interest.
  13. Minimize distractions so that your child can sit and concentrate on the task given to him/her. For example: Cut of all electronic devise such as use of television, mobile phones etc. when completing homework or daily routine.


It is critical to note that not all active children are hyperactive. Hyperactivity differs in various levels. Parents need to be on a watch and understand the true meaning of children being hyperactive. It is real that hyperactive children are very trying. When you are at the end of the rope, do remind yourself as to how wonderful your child really is. However, finding ways to chase out trouble before it even starts is a real key to coping with hyperactive children.

Good luck and happy parenting! 

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